深圳市实达昆科技有限公司坐落于中国 广东 深圳 深圳市宝安区 松岗镇洪桥头第一工业园,经营产品包括注塑机机械手/输送带/承接台/非标自动化定制,厂房面积是10000平方米,销售区域是全国各地,深圳市实达昆科技有限公司公司成立于2003年,是国内最早从事机械手研发制造企业之一,工厂座落于风景秀丽的滨海城市之深圳市松岗,交通方便。
十年磨一剑,实达昆成为了中国最大的注塑机专用机械手制造商之一,在香港、华南、华东都成立了分公司: 外贸:香港实达昆国际有限公司 香港:香港九龙长沙湾31东京街挂蓬商业大厦502 华南:深圳市实达昆科技有限公司 广东:深圳市宝安区松岗镇洪桥头第一工业区 华东:无锡方诺科技有限公司 江苏:无锡市新区梅村恒泰商务大厦802 三个分公司下辖全国14个办事处: 华东分公司:苏州园区娄葑群星一路辰雷科技园B-503 中山办事处:中山市港口镇海逸华庭9栋802号 无锡办事处:无锡市新区梅村恒泰商务大厦802 合肥办事处:合肥市经济开发区卧云小区56栋 常州办事处:常州市新北区春江镇建新路18号 上海办事处:上海青浦区盈港路1755弄168-101 天津办事处:天津市津南区北闸口镇宣惠园7-2206 沈阳办事处:沈阳市大东区沱江街22栋 青岛办事处:青岛城阳区海棠苑35号2单元301 重庆办事处:沙坪区小新街99号立海商务大厦 烟台办事处:烟台市莱山开发区澳柯玛大街101号 厦门办事处:厦门市思明区湖滨东路319号 宁波办事处:宁波市鄞州区凤凰新村82栋305号 武汉办事处:武汉市沌口听涛观海122栋2-302 The company, founded in 2003, located in Songgang of Shenzhen City, a scenic coastal city, has convenient transportation. Specialized in the production of injection molding machine dedicated mechanical arm and peripheral automation equipment, it is an integrated Sino-foreign joint ventureIntegrating product design and development, manufacturing, sales and service. From the beginning of the establishment of the company, it has adhered to the guideline of “seeking survival with quality ; and seeking development with innovation”, through continuous umulationand technical innovation , product specifications have e complete , from oblique arm robot , li-ght cross-traveling robot, medium-sized cross-traveling robot to large cross-traveling robot, and conv-Eyor belt, receiver peripheral equipment , it has completely satisfied equipment required by injection molding machines from 50T to 4000T. Since long, the company has adhered to concept of “people-oriented, scientific and technological innovation , and creating first-class brand”, armed it with the spirit and thought of “being faster, stronger , and higher”, strived to provide the best overall automation solutions to customers,with Being more simple ,more professional, and more humane as the direction , and share with customers today’s scientific and technological achievements.
  • 公司名称:深圳市实达昆科技有限公司
  • 公司类型:企业单位
  • 经营模式:生产型