深圳威特尔自动化科技有限公司位置在中国 广东 深圳 龙岗区坪地街道环城南路61号,专业从事经营工业机器人、机械手、工业自动化智能装备,法人代表是刘明昌,法人代表是刘明昌,年营业额是人民币3000万元/年 - 5000万元/年,厂房面积是5000平方米,销售区域是全国各地,年出口额是人民币500万元/年 - 700万元/年,公司簡介 Company Profile 深圳威特爾自動化科技有限公司,國家高新技術企業,專注於工業裝備智能研發、製造與系統集成應用,以及智慧工廠整體解決方案。
“一切為了客戶”的全新理念,貫穿於威特爾品質控體系統全過程,威特爾團隊將以“為客戶創造價值”為已任,致力於踐行“中國製造2025”而努力! S.Z.VICTOR Automation Technology Co.,Ltd. Is a high-tech enterprise of national,she was specializing in R&D industrial intelligent equipment and manufacturing, also system integration in applications, as well as the factory overall case solution of wisdom. Victor have the core-technology team that is base on foreign advanced technology for 20 years, have the courage to the exploring and innovative, has acquired a number of core technologies in the field of intelligent equipment with independent intellectual property rights , independent R&D and manufacturing of industrial robots, has been widely used ing plastic injection molding ,CNC metal processing,metal stamping, automatic spraying, stacking handing ,metal welding and other fields, especially in high-speed thin walled injection taken out ,injection molding inserts and automation solutions on CNC metalworking whole case and other segments , we have the ingenious design and core technology made be the industry leader status. “Everything for the customers”is our new concept, it was throughout the entire process in the quality control system of Victor, Victor’s mission will be “create value for customers”, and commit to practice”Chinese wisdom made 2025”. 我们的愿景:让客户满意! 我们的宗旨:为客户创造价值! 我们的理念:制造精品,不做赝品! 我们的使命:打造世界级的科技品牌! 我们的核心价值观:天道酬勤,自强不息;锐意进取,务实创新!
  • 公司名称:深圳威特尔自动化科技有限公司
  • 公司类型:私营有限责任公司
  • 经营模式:生产型
  • 公司规模:51 - 100人
  • 经营范围:工业机器人、机械手、工业自动化智能装备
  • 注册资本:500万人民币
  • 注册年份:2013